The future is now and
what we sow today is
what we will reap tomorrow.

The past inspires us.
The future moves us.
We bring the everlasting
Alentejo to the present.

A place,
a family,
a legacy.

We believe in the
beauty of simple things.
In the audacity of those
that are not in a rush.

We bring the everlasting
Alentejo to the present.

Ermo is a legacy that unfolds.
From the land to the hand, from the vineyard to the wine, harvesting the best of this place, taking it further, in a deep respect for nature.

In Autumn our properties are decorated with yellows
and browns, to which orange, red and purple tones are added.

The best way of
knowing Alentejo
is by tasting it.

A culture that can
be tasted and lingers
on the palate.

Between all
we know and all
there is to come.

We are the bridge
between past
and future.

The Roque do Vale
family history.


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Herdade Da Capela

white wine, grande reserva, 2017



Monte Da Capela

red wine, reserva, doc alentejo, 2018



Monte Da Capela

white wine, reserva, doc alentejo, 2019




rose wine, doc alentejo, 2021



“Casa Clara represents emotion, nature and culture. It is union and communion, confluence of elements and will. This project is a beginning, but it is also the result of the journey travelled thus far. Made up of many layers, united in one single purpose: that of producing wines and olive oil of excellence that express the character of this land that we love so much, Alentejo.”

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